INDURA is a total supplier and special order supplier of flanges and fittings in various steel qualities
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
In eu lacus a eros laoreet consequat. In at condimentum nibh. Donec ac dui a purus placerat fermentum vel ac elit.
Proin ornare dapibus sagittis.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus id laoreet sem. Maecenas est elit, facilisis id auctor porttitor, porttitor ut lectus.
Nulla blandit vel odio id blandit.
Maecenas dictum ut diam nec suscipit. Praesent mattis porttitor pellentesque.
Our Code of Conduct contains our fundamental values and guidelines for ethical business behaviour regarding social, ethical and environmental conditions.
We expect that our employees and suppliers have a thorough knowledge of this and comply with the principles. All our business partners must comply with our Code of Conduct to ensure responsibility towards environment and people.
Our Code of Conduct contains our fundamental values and guidelines for ethical business behaviour regarding social, ethical and environmental conditions.
We expect that our employees and suppliers have a thorough knowledge of this and comply with the principles. All our business partners must comply with our Code of Conduct to ensure responsibility towards environment and people.
Code of Conduct.
We expect a great deal of our suppliers to ensure the quality of fittings and flanges that we deliver to our customers. All our suppliers are approved and certified.
We quality assure the goods when they arrive at INDURA, conduct visual and measuring inspections, functional testing and a chemical spectro test of flanges of P and ANSI materials. We require our suppliers to test their goods before sending them to INDURA. This procedure is very important, We maintain a continuous dialogue with our suppliers, e.g. during our visits to individual factories. We require our suppliers to sign the INDURA Supplier Code of Conduct.
INDURA A/S focuses on giving our customers the best possible quality. For this reason, we have implemented a management system in compliance with the requirements of DS/EN ISO 9001:2008. In April 2013, we were certified by the Danish standardisation organisation, Dansk Standard.
The management system provides our employees with clear definitions of processes and values. And we have a continuous supervision, evaluation and follow-up which forms a good basis for a consistent, structured and efficient handling.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
In eu lacus a eros laoreet consequat. In at condimentum nibh. Donec ac dui a purus placerat fermentum vel ac elit.
Proin ornare dapibus sagittis.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus id laoreet sem. Maecenas est elit, facilisis id auctor porttitor, porttitor ut lectus.
Nulla blandit vel odio id blandit.
Maecenas dictum ut diam nec suscipit. Praesent mattis porttitor pellentesque.