The safe choice

INDURA is a total supplier and special order supplier of flanges and fittings in various steel qualities.

Culture & Values

At INDURA, we guarantee to supply our customers with high-quality fittings and flanges. We also know that our products are not all that matters. Our customers tell us how much efficient cooperation means for them. They tell us it has to be easy to do business – things must run smoothly and service has to be efficient. At INDURA, we are agile and dynamic. This is only possible because everyone at INDURA shares a very special common culture and set of values.

At INDURA, personal relations are important. You will always talk to your own well-known contact. We know that it is very much up to our employees to give you a positive experience whenever you buy fittings and flanges with us. They can only do this when they thrive in their workplace.

Tolerance is an important core value at INDURA. We respect each others' differences and we are aware of our social responsibilities. This is not only because we seek to act like decent human beings and good colleagues but also because we believe that our employees' well-being matters. To us and to our customers.

As a responsible company, we also focus on protecting the environment. Among other things, we replace and change products, and we adapt our behaviour to avoid unnecessary environmental impact.