INDURA is a total supplier and special order supplier of flanges and fittings in various steel qualities
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte-tur adipiscing elit.
In eu lacus a eros laoreet consequat. In at condimentum nibh. Donec ac dui a purus placerat fermentum vel ac elit.
Proin ornare dapibus sagittis.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus id laoreet sem. Maecenas est elit, facilisis id auctor porttitor, porttitor ut lectus.
Nulla blandit vel odio id blandit.
Maecenas dictum ut diam nec suscipit. Praesent mattis porttitor pellentesque.
Our Code of Conduct contains our fundamental values and guidelines for ethical business behaviour regarding social, ethical and environmental
We expect that our employees and suppliers have a thorough knowledge of this and comply with the principles. All our business partners must comply with our Code of Conduct to ensure responsibility towards environment and people.
1.1 Child labour
INDURA expects suppliers to refrain from the use of child labour as defined in this paragraph. Our cooperation with any company that uses child labour for manufacturing any product will end. Children under 18 years must not be employed in work that may endanger their health. This also includes night work. Children under 15 years, or under 14 years in countries specified in the ILO Convention 138, must not be employed to do work that may endanger their health and/or education.
2.1 Child labour
INDURA expects suppliers to refrain from the use of child labour as defined in this paragraph. Our cooperation with any company that uses child labour for manufacturing any product will end. Children under 18 years must not be employed in work that may endanger their health. This also includes night work. Children under 15 years, or under 14 years in countries specified in the ILO Convention 138, must not be employed to do work that may endanger their health and/or education.
2.2 No forced labour and fair treatment
INDURA expects the supplier to be neither involved in nor endorse the use of forced labour, labour associated with punishment or slavery, or labour performed against the employees' free will. Employees must be free to leave their employer of their own free will after a reasonable notice. INDURA also expects suppliers to ensure that their employees are not subjected to physical, sexual or mental harassment.
2.3 No discrimination
The supplier must hire employees on the basis of their capacity as workers and their skills. INDURA expects the supplier to respect cultural differences and refrain from any kind of discrimination based on ethnic origin, religion, age, handicap, gender, civil status, sexual orientation, membership of any labour union or political affiliation.
2.4 Working environment
INDURA expects the supplier to offer suitable working conditions for their employees, and respect national and international laws and regulations. The supplier must ensure that the employees have suitable sanitary conditions at their disposal as well as a safe and healthy working environment including but not limited to protection from accidents.
2.5 Working hours and wages
The working hours must be according to national legislation or national standards. If no legislation exists, the working hours should not exceed the working hours established in current international conventions.(e.g. the ILO Convention no. 1). The supplier must comply with the legal minimum wage or the standards in the industry regarding wages and benefits. In all circumstances, the supplier must pay reasonable wages. Wage deduction as a disciplinary punishment must not take place.
2.6 The right to organise and engage in collective bargaining
INDURA expects the supplier to allow employees to join or form trade unions according to their own choice and engage in collective bargaining. The employee representatives in the labour unions must not be discriminated against. If these rights are restricted by law, the employer must enable and under no circumstance prevent the right to organise and negotiate.
2.7 Privacy
INDURA expects the supplier to respect the employees' privacy when collecting and storing private information.
2.8 Corruption and bribery
Bribes must not be offered, promised, given, accepted, tolerated, intentionally enjoyed or demanded.
2.9 Environment
The supplier must comply with national environmental requirements. INDURA also expects the supplier to seek to minimise the negative environmental impacts of the company's activities, products and services through responsible administration of their environmental conditions. Where relevant, the supplier is obliged to organise the manufacturing process according to Chinese legislation 2003 law on radioactive pollution and the supplier MUST confirm that the products do not contain Cobalt-60
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte-tur adipiscing elit.
In eu lacus a eros laoreet consequat. In at condimentum nibh. Donec ac dui a purus placerat fermentum vel ac elit.
Proin ornare dapibus sagittis.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus id laoreet sem. Maecenas est elit, facilisis id auctor porttitor, porttitor ut lectus.
Nulla blandit vel odio id blandit.
Maecenas dictum ut diam nec suscipit. Praesent mattis porttitor pellentesque.